Peppermint Salve
You can take this basic salve recipe and tailor it to your needs. It is nontoxic - even edible - because all the ingredients are natural. The salve can be used on pets or farm animals as well. Try these variations:
For healing abrasions, burns, and chapped skin, add a tablespoon of raw honey and a teaspoon of propolis to the oil as it melts.
For a salve that’s great for bug bites and allergic reactions, chop a handful of fresh plantain herb leaves (herb: Plantago Major) and add to the oil while it’s hot. After 15 minutes, strain the leaves out and pour up your salve into containers.
For a salve that fights fungal infections and rashes that come from wet heat, open a capsule of a candida/yeast fighting herbal supplement and add to the salve. (We use NOW’s Candida Support). Mix well and do not strain. Pour up.
For a nice perfume bar that hydrates already healthy skin, add some Arabian Rose essential oil as the salve starts to cool.
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1 part
cocoa butter
1 part
olive oil
1 part
coconut oil
1 part
bees wax pellets
2 dashes
peppermint essential oil
In a sauce pan on low heat, slowly melt the first four ingredients together, stirring until beeswax is melted and the mixture is thoroughly blended. Remove from heat and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Other essential oils may be used as well. Try Lavender or Orange. Pour into containers and stir until it begins to thicken. Cover and store at room temperature if you plan to use it within a couple of months. Store in refrigerator if it’s going to take you a while to get through it.
Remove from heat and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Other essential oils may be used as well. Try Lavender or Orange. Pour into containers and stir until it begins to thicken. Cover and store at room temperature if you plan to use it within a couple of months. Store in refrigerator if it’s going to take you a while to get through it.
Pour into containers and stir until it begins to thicken. Cover and store at room temperature if you plan to use it within a couple of months. Store in refrigerator if it’s going to take you a while to get through it.