
Sense-Ability → Hearing || The Da Vinci Road Rhyming Sometimes Daddio or I will make a short rhyme:“What you see is what you getSo don't complain a single bit -”And then the kids will try to keep the rhyme going:“Cause beans and rice will keep you...

Spice Trade

Sense-Ability → Taste and Smell || The Da Vinci Road Spice Trade A game I first played at a baby shower is a fun sense-of-smell exercise. I put a pinch of several different spices on separate saucers and pass them around the room. The kids each sniff the spices and...

Sensing You Sensing Me

Sense-Ability → Sense of Place || The Da Vinci Road Sensing You Sensing Me We learned this exercise from a kung fu instructor.Choose a partner to learn with. Stand facing each other, but not necessarily directly across from each other. Put up your right forearms (can...

Walking on Air

Sense-Ability → Sense of Place || The Da Vinci Road Walking on Air This is also a kung fu exercise. Bend at the knees, letting your hips drop toward the ground. Your arms should hang or be in a relaxed position. Relax your whole body and focus on breathing evenly and...

Walking Perfectly

Sense-Ability → Sense of Place || The Da Vinci Road Walking Perfectly I first heard of this exercise from a Navy Seal and have since used it as a game with my kids in the backyard. First practice walking some distance in a perfectly straight line. Choose an end goal...

Close Your Eyes, Continue to Observe

Sense-Ability → Touch || The Da Vinci Road Close Your Eyes, Continue to Observe Blindfold the students and place objects in their hands to describe. Learn to recognize various types of tree leaves, bark, types of rock,...

What Am I Drawing?

Sense-Ability → Touch || The Da Vinci Road What Am I Drawing? Using your fingers, draw a simple picture or write a message on the back of your student and ask him to figure out what you are drawing. Take turns. Now try writing messages in the palm of your student's...

Material Analysis

Sense-Ability → Touch || The Da Vinci Road Material Analysis Our kids love to test and observe different materials and compare them. The girls have taken to spinning wool with a drop-spindle and then, using the spun wool thread, they create a fabric with either...

Spirit of Elijah

Sense-Ability → Emotion || The Da Vinci Road Spirit of Elijah I know, there are only supposed to be five senses, and neither balance nor emotion are on the list. But…The kids have taken to describing the way emotions make them feel, and I find this is a very...