Taking My Chances

Awakening || The Da Vinci Road Taking My Chances I haven't seen cypress knees (above-ground roots) in nearly 30 years, but I'll never forget the way they ripple away from the mother tree like ribbons of brown velvet in pools of black satin. The deep silence under...


Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road Attention Pick up an object outdoors and time yourself for 60 seconds while you observe that object. Try to maintain focus on the object. You'll be surprised at how quickly your mind wanders and how difficult it is to...


Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road Art Keep a sketch book and set of pencils on hand. Every day sketch something from observation. These are some subjects we have studied and sketched by observation:The way the light falls on a tree at different times during...

Hidden in Plain Sight

Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road Hidden in Plain Sight We learned this game from some good friends and it has become a favorite with the kids. Everyone leaves the room except for the “hider,” who takes a small object like a stuffed animal and...

I See Something (Simple Riddle Making)

Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road I See Something (Simple Riddle Making) We play this in so many different settings it almost seems like more than one game. We take turns spotting something in our surroundings, be it indoors or outdoors, and say, “I see...

Wild Crafting

Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road Wild Crafting During the summer we often go wildcrafting in the mountains. Almost always a number of things are ready to harvest at any one time. Everyone is equipped with a bag of his/her own and, if needed, a pair of...

Describing a Scene

Sense-Ability → Sight || The Da Vinci Road Describing a Scene We go hiking a lot in the mountains and often a little one will point and say “Look!” at something that excites him.“What do you see?”“It's big and red!”“It sure is...

Music Mimic

Sense-Ability → Hearing || The Da Vinci Road Music Mimic Our piano teacher did this with our kids when they first started, but they continue to play this game at home sometimes. One child will play a little note sequence while covering her hand with a book. The other...

Guessing a Tune

Sense-Ability → Hearing || The Da Vinci Road Guessing a Tune One child sings a short series of notes that go in a song and the rest of us have to guess which song it is. We take turns singing parts of a tune and...

What Do You Hear?

Sense-Ability → Hearing || The Da Vinci Road What Do You Hear? We close our eyes and then describe what we hear. Sometimes we play the hearing version of “I see something… ” but it's “I hear something…...