What It’s About

The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road What It’s About “It's funny,” David said recently. “When I was littler I never thought about myself in… like… like the way I think about other people. Now that I'm older...

No Observationalists Allowed

The Road Less Traveled → … Doesn't Have Road Signs || The Da Vinci Road No Observationalists Allowed As I contemplate writing this next story I realize that if any part of my book is going to draw a stone-throwing crowd, this is it. My husband says, “you...

History Is Hidden

The Road Less Traveled → Seeing in the Dark || The Da Vinci Road History Is Hidden There is an unexpected story in the Bible about a king named Josiah who came to the throne when he was only eight years old. His father and his father's father for generations back are...

Getting to the Truth

The Road Less Traveled → Seeing in the Dark || The Da Vinci Road Getting to the Truth “Hey, this book says that the Diplodocus lived 150 million years ago. Seric wants to know if that's true? I told him it isn't.”Daddio was clearing the table for me while...

Vetting Your Witness

The Road Less Traveled → Seeing in the Dark || The Da Vinci Road Vetting Your Witness “What is a witness, anyway?” Sarah asked.“It's a person that saw something,” David answered quickly.“Yeah, but more than that too,” said Daddio....

Putting It Together

The Road Less Traveled → Seeing in the Dark || The Da Vinci Road Putting It Together “So,” said Daddio, “find two witnesses to establish a truth. Then look at the witnesses you've found and ask, ‘Is he is paid to say that? Is he trying to get...

Examining Yourself

The Road Less Traveled → Seeing in the Dark || The Da Vinci Road Examining Yourself As a note of interest on this subject of finding—and being—a true witness:When I was done writing this book and wondering how I could afford to have it printed, a...

Opening Blind Eyes

Awakening || The Da Vinci Road Opening Blind Eyes David recently fell out of a tree and broke his leg. I would undo that event if I could, but since that day, David has repeatedly told us, “It's funny, since I broke my leg I notice things I never noticed before....