by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Leonardo da Vinci
The Voice of Experience → Leonardo da Vinci || The Da Vinci Road Drawing from Nature On drawing from Nature; stand at a distance of 3 times the height of the object you wish to draw.A broad light high up and not too strong will render the details of objects very...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Leonardo da Vinci
The Voice of Experience → Leonardo da Vinci || The Da Vinci Road Portraits If you want to remember an interesting face in order to draw it later, first make yourself familiar with a variety of heads, eyes, noses, mouths, chins, cheeks, necks and shoulders. There are...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Leonardo da Vinci
The Voice of Experience → Leonardo da Vinci || The Da Vinci Road Drawing Light and Shadow For those interested in drawing, always begin slowly and pay attention to lighting. Notice in your subject the brightest lit areas and the darkest shadows and the variations...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Leonardo da Vinci
The Voice of Experience → Leonardo da Vinci || The Da Vinci Road Progression of Art Study If the student will observe nature in his drawings then he will be successful as an artist. There are many that love to draw but apparently have no talent; you will see this in...