by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road What It’s About “It's funny,” David said recently. “When I was littler I never thought about myself in… like… like the way I think about other people. Now that I'm older...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road Independence A few minutes ago David opened the front door and thrust his head in to ask, “Somebody quick! Please hand me my sketchbook and pencils! Hurry! There's a woodpecker out here in a tree and I need...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road Confidence A friend once asked me how to raise children that aren't crippled with shyness or insecurity. It was a good question but one I couldn't answer at the time. No matter how much a child knows or is capable...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road Rising to the Occasion A few years ago we were visiting my family who still live near the Amish. I went to a neighbor's house to buy cow's milk. It was in the upper-twenties outside and the ground was icy. As I...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road Seeing Others Our children may not know what's in style, what movies are coming out, or be at the top of their “class,” but they all know each other's favorite color, song, book, story, and latest...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road In Contrast We have a Jersey cow. When she comes home to be milked in the evening, we fill her trough with hay and oats and let her calf out of his pen to eat with her. The cow that docilely munched her hay...