by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Awakening
Awakening || The Da Vinci Road Observation Begins Half asleep, early morning, nursing my baby, I faded in and out of dreamland. My fingers found a goose-down feather that had escaped our comforter. The baby's belly was soon round and taut with warm milk and she was...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Awakening
Awakening || The Da Vinci Road Beginning with Words Years ago, when our firstborn son was two years old, he had the obnoxious habit of repeating himself over and over. At first I continued to answer him patiently, the same answer ten times in a row. Next I resorted to...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Awakening
Awakening || The Da Vinci Road Awakening There was a day when I heard that God loves me and I believed it to be true. I was so young I can't remember it clearly.There was another day, some years later, that I do remember. I sat in the back of a brown Oldsmobile next...