by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Observe Your Student
The Cycle of Learning → Observe Your Student || The Da Vinci Road When Your Child Isn’t You My grandmother used to say, “the shoemaker's children go barefoot” to express some unfathomable truth. As a child I thought the saying meant, “Daddy...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Be a Student
The Cycle of Learning → Be a Student || The Da Vinci Road Teach by Learning I remember my mother standing over a boiling cauldron of black walnut juice, hands and bare feet stained dark brown. She was making dye. Not because she needed it, but because she wanted to...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Observe Your Teacher
The Cycle of Learning → Observe Your Teacher || The Da Vinci Road Getting It There are times when I utterly fail as a teacher. I can't find the words I need to explain the step-by-step means to solving a division problem. I look up to see JudyLucy and David looking at...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Observe Your Teacher
The Cycle of Learning → Observe Your Teacher || The Da Vinci Road Choosing the Right Teacher I was eleven years old and desperate to learn how to sew. I'd watched my mother at her sewing machine making a few dresses for me and had pestered her for years already to...
by Connect | Jan 1, 2020 | Becoming
The Cycle of Learning → Becoming || The Da Vinci Road I See You At twenty-five years of age I decided I would probably stay single for the rest of my life simply because I had not met any eligible males that interested me beyond the first few conversations.I mentally...